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[1620] Spidel A, Lecomte T, Yuille JC.  2004.  Links between violence, addiction, and personality traits in first episodes.. American Psychology-Law Society, Division 41 of the American Psychological Association.
[1573] Spidel A, Lecomte T, Yuille JC.  2007.  Investigating links between violence, addiction, and psychopathy traits in a first episode community sample.. International Association of Psychiatry and Law.
[1631] Spidel A, Greaves C, Hervé H, Hare RD.  2003.  Characteristics and Personality Variables of Men Who Sexually Assault Their Female Partners. . Violence and Health Conference.
[1592] Spidel A, Lecomte T, Greaves C, Yuille JC.  2006.  Predictors of medication adherence in a first episode sample.. International Early Psychosis Association Conference.
[1739] Spidel A, Nicholls TL, Dutton DG, Kendrick K.  Sous presse.  Personality and demographic characteristics of female intimate partner assaulters.. Journal of Intimate Partner Abuse.Journal of Intimate Partner Abuse..
[1615] Spidel A, Roesch R, Zapf P, Kendrick K.  2004.  Mental Disorder & Criminality: Symptoms and Offence Type. IAFMHS conference.
[1498] Spidel A.  2014.  Acceptance and Commitment Therapy with Trauma and Psychosis. White Rock Mental Health.
[1553] Spidel A, Greaves C, Lecomte T, Yuille JC.  2010.  Early psychosis and aggression: Predictors and prevalence of violent behaviour amongst individuals with early onset psychosis. American Psychology-Law Society, Division 41 of APA.
[1626] Spidel A, Sahlstrom K, Nicholls TL, Kropp R.P.  2003.  Personality Characteristics of Women who abuse their male partners.. Psychology & Law International, Interdisciplinary Conference .
[1578] Spidel A, Greaves C, Hervé H, Cooper BS, Hare RD, Yuille JC.  2007.  The Psychopath as Pimp.. Canadian Journal of Police & Security Services. 4:205-211.
[1637] Spidel A, Hervé H, Petitclerc A, Klein C, Yuille JC.  2002.  Deceptive Motivations and Personality Disorders.. 62nd Annual Convention of the Canadian Psychology Association.
[1601] Spidel A, Roesch R, Zapf P, Kendrick K.  2005.  Mental Disorder & Criminality: Profiles of Individuals based on Symptom Clusters on the Brief Psychiatric Ratings Scale. International Association of Forensic Mental Health Services conference.
[1529] Spidel A, Lecomte T, Greaves C, Yuille JC.  2011.  Patterns of Deceptive Motivations across Personality Disordered Young Offenders..
[1619] Spidel A, Lichlyter B, Lecomte T.  2004.  Violence, substance abuse, and mental illness: Investigating links. 54th Annual Meeting of the Canadian Psychiatric Association.
[1572] Spidel A, Nicholls TL, Sahlstrom K, Brink J.  2007.  The influence of adolescent criminal history on future risk in a Not Criminally Responsible on account of Mental Disorder (NCRMD) population. 3rd Annual Mental Health Research Showcase.
[1630] Spidel A, Greaves C, Sahlstrom K, Yuille JC.  2003.  Personality Disorder-Mediated Deception in Adult Offenders. 63rd Annual Convention of the Canadian Psychology Association.
[1590] Spidel A, Lecomte T, Leclerc C.  2006.  Community implementation successes and challenges of a cognitive-behavior therapy group for individuals with a first episode of psychosis.. Journal of Contemporary Psychotherapy. 36:51-58.
[1643] Spidel A, Hervé H, Mitchell D, Cooper BS, Hare RD.  2001.  Psychopathy and criminal acts of unlawful confinement. 62nd Annual Convention of the Canadian Psychology association.
[1605] Spidel A, Hervé H, Hemphill J, Bartel P..  2005.  An Exploratory Study of Subtypes of Psychopathy in Adolescent Offenders. 1st conference for the Society for the Scientific Study of Psychopathy.
[1497] Spidel A, Goldenson J, Lecomte T.  2014.  Investigating the role of trauma and violence on treatment compliance in individuals with psychosis.. International Association of Forensic Mental Health Services.
[1552] Spidel A, Greaves C, Yuille JC, Lecomte T.  2010.  Aggression and psychosis: What is the role of abuse history and symptom severity in predicting compliance? Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association.
[1623] Spidel A, Hervé H, Lichlyter B, Hare RD.  2004.  Psychopathy and Unlawful Confinement: An Examination of Perpetrator Characteristics. American Psychology-Law Society, Division 41 of APA.
[1577] Spidel A, Gretton H.  2007.  Subtypes of Psychopathy in Adolescent Offenders: Investigating differences.. Society for the Scientific Study of Psychopathy.
[1634] Spidel A.  2003.  The current state of the literature on segregation of offenders: Strengths and Limitations..
[1596] Spidel A, Brink J, Klein C, Hart SD, , .  2006.  Profiles of Those Found Not Criminally Responsible on Account of Mental Disorder (NCRMD).. Psychiatry Research Day.


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