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Agression sexuelle et santé des jeunes
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Laboratoire de recherche sur les trajectoires de santé et de résilience de jeunes agressés sexuellement
dirigé par Isabelle Daigneault
À propos
207 resultats trouvés
Articles de revue
Collin-Vézina D
Hebert M
Daigneault I
. 2005.
Résilience et guérison: Trajectoires d'enfants agressés sexuellement
Psychologie Québec. 22:33-35.
Hains J.
Dion J
Daigneault I
McDuff P
. 2014.
Relationships between stressful life events, psychological distress and resilience among Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal adolescents
International Journal of Child and Adolescent Resilience. 2:4-15.
Vézina-Gagnon P
Daigneault I
Daignault IV
Dupré M-P
. 2016.
The relationship between maternal rejection and academic success: A mediational study
Canadian Journal of Behavioral ScienceCanadian Journal of Behavioral Science. 48:132-141.
Bourgeois C.
Lecomte T.
Daigneault I.
. 2018.
Psychotic disorders in sexually abused youth: A prospective matched-cohort study
Schizophrenia ResearchSchizophrenia Research.
Spidel A
Greaves C
Hervé H
Cooper BS
Hare RD
Yuille JC
. 2007.
The Psychopath as Pimp.
Canadian Journal of Police & Security Services. 4:205-211.
Daigneault I
Dion J.
Hébert M.
McDuff P.
Collin-Vézina D.
. 2013.
Psychometric properties of the Child and Youth Resilience Measure (CYRM-28) among samples of French Canadian youth
Child Abuse and Neglect. 37:160-171.
Dion J.
Matte-Gagne C.
Daigneault I
Blackburn M.E
Hebert M
McDuff P
Auclair J.
Veillette S.
Perron M.
. 2015.
A prospective study of the impact of child maltreatment and friend support on psychological distress trajectory: From adolescence to emerging adulthood
Journal of Affective DisordersJournal of Affective Disorders. 189:336-343.
Daigneault I
Cyr M
Tourigny M
. 2003.
Profil psychologique d'adolescentes agressées sexuellement et prises en charge par les services de protection de la jeunesse
Santé Mentale au Québec. 28:211-232.
Daigneault I
Collin-Vézina D
Hebert M
. 2012.
Prévalence et prévention de l’agression sexuelle envers les enfants et les adolescents
Cahier Recherche et Pratique. 2:20-23.
Daigneault I
Collin-Vézina D.
Hebert M
. 2012.
Prevalence and prevention of child and adolescent sexual assault
Integrating Science and Practice. 2:20-23.
Giasson V
Daigneault I
Hebert M
. 2014.
Preliminary Study on a New Scoring Method of the Family Drawing for Preschool Children Who Have Been Sexually Abused
Journal of Child Sexual Abuse. 23:160-178.
Daigneault I
Vézina-Gagnon P
Bourgeois C
Esposito T
Hebert M
. 2017.
Physical and mental health of children with substantiated sexual abuse: Gender comparisons from a matched-control cohort study
Child Abuse & NeglectChild Abuse & Neglect. 66:155-165.
Spidel A
Greaves C
Nicholls TL
Goldenson J
Dutton DG
. 2013.
Personality Disorders, Types of Violence, and Stress Responses in Female Who Perpetrate Intimate Partner Violence.
Psychology. 4:5-11.
Spidel A
Nicholls TL
Dutton DG
Kendrick K
. Sous presse.
Personality and demographic characteristics of female intimate partner assaulters.
Journal of Intimate Partner Abuse.Journal of Intimate Partner Abuse..
Daigneault I
Hebert M
Tourigny M
. 2007.
Personal and Interpersonal Characteristics Related to Resilient Developmental Pathways of Sexually Abused Adolescents
Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Clinics of North America. 16:415-434.
Daigneault I
Dion J
Hebert M
Bourgeois C
. 2016.
Mindfulness as Mediator and Moderator of Post-traumatic Symptomatology in Adolescence Following Childhood Sexual Abuse or Assault
MindfulnessMindfulness. :1-10.
Daigneault I
Hebert M
McDuff P
. 2009.
Men's and women's childhood sexual abuse and victimization in adult partner relationships: A study of risk factors
Child Abuse & Neglect. 33:638-647.
Fortin-Langelier E
Daigneault I
Vézina-Gagnon P
Achim J
Guérin V
Frappier J-Y
. 0.
A matched-cohort study of the association between childhood sexual abuse and teenage pregnancy
Journal of Adolescent HealthJournal of Adolescent Health.
Collin-Vézina D
Daigneault I
Hebert M
. 2013.
Lessons learned from child sexual abuse research: prevalence, outcomes, and preventive strategies
Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Mental Health. 7:1-9.
Daigneault I
Bergeron M
Dion J
Hébert M
. Soumis.
La violence sexuelle en milieu universitaire
Psychologie QUébecPsychologie Québec.
Vézina-Gagnon P
Daigneault I
Daignault IV
Dupré M-P
. 2015.
La relation entre le rejet maternel et le succès scolaire : une étude de médiation
Revue canadienne des sciences du comportementRevue Canadienne des Sciences du Comportement. advance online publication:132-141.
Ridde V
Dagenais C
Daigneault I
. 2019.
It’s time to address sexual violence in academic global health
BMJ Global HealthBMJ Global Health. 4:e001616.
Muckle F.
Dion J.
Daigneault I
Ross A.
McDuff P.
. 2012.
Influence de l’estime de soi, de la perception des qualités relationnelles parents-enfants, du soutien social et de l’agression sexuelle sur la résilience auprès d’adolescents autochtones et caucasiens du Québec
First Peoples Child & Family Review. 7:99-117.
Daigneault I
Esposito T
Bourgeois C
Hébert M
Frappier J-Y
. 2018.
Health Service Use of Sexually Abused Adolescents Aging Out of Care: A Prospective Study
International Journal of Child and Adolescent ResilienceInternational Journal of Child and Adolescent Resilience. 5:1-14.
Vézina-Gagnon P.
Bergeron S.
Frappier J-Y.
Daigneault I.
. 2018.
Genitourinary Health of Sexually Abused Girls and Boys: a Matched-Cohort Study
The Journal of PediatricsThe Journal of Pediatrics. 194:171-176.
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