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Agression sexuelle et santé des jeunes
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Laboratoire de recherche sur les trajectoires de santé et de résilience de jeunes agressés sexuellement
dirigé par Isabelle Daigneault
À propos
207 resultats trouvés
Articles de revue
Hebert M
Collin-Vézina D
Daigneault I
Parent N
Tremblay C
. 2006.
Factors linked to outcomes in sexually abused girls: A regression tree analysis
Comprehensive Psychiatry. 47:443-455.
Hebert M
Daigneault I
Collin-Vézina D
Cyr M
. 2007.
Factors linked to distress in mothers of children disclosing sexual abuse
Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease. 195:805-811.
Monette M-C
Tourigny M
Daigneault I
. 2008.
Facteurs associés aux problèmes de comportement intériorisés et extériorisés chez des adolescentes agressées sexuellement
Revue Canadienne des Sciences du Comportement. 41:31-41.
Tourigny M
Jacob M.
Daigneault I
Hébert M.
Wright J.
. 2009.
Facteurs associés à la rétention des signalements impliquant une situation d’abus sexuel
Revue Canadienne de Service Social. 33:888-896.
Gilbert A.
Boulianne-Simard C.
Dion J.
Collin-Vézina D.
Daigneault I.
. Soumis.
Exploration de l’expérience des adultes victimes d’agression sexuelle dans les Centres désignés
Revue québécoise de psychologieRevue Quebecoise de Psychologie.
Daigneault I
Hebert M
McDuff P
Frappier J-Y
. 2012.
Evaluation of a Sexual Abuse Prevention Workshop in a Multicultural, Impoverished Urban Area
Journal of Child Sexual Abuse. 21:521-542.
Porter-Vignola É
Bossé-Chartier G
. 2012.
Espace Transition et Groupe d’intérêt en psychiatrie
Le Pouls : journal des étudiants et étudiantes en médecine de l’Université de Montréal. 30:7-9.
Tourigny M
Hebert M
Daigneault I
Simoneau AClaude
. 2005.
Efficacy of a Group Therapy for Sexually Abused Adolescent Girls
Journal of Child Sexual Abuse: Research, Treatment, & Program Innovations for Victims, Survivors, & Offenders. 14:71-93.
Daigneault I
Hebert M
McDuff P
Michaud F
Vézina-Gagnon P
Henry A
Porter-Vignola É
. 2015.
Effectiveness of a Sexual Assault Awareness and Prevention Workshop for Youth: A 3-month Follow-up Pragmatic Cluster Randomization Study
The Canadian Journal of Human Sexuality. 24:19-30.
Daigneault I
Tourigny M
Cyr M
. 2004.
Description of trauma and resilience in sexually abused adolescents: An integrated assessment
Journal of Trauma Practice. 3:23-47.
Spidel A
Greaves C
Yuille JC
Lecomte T
. Sous presse.
A comparison of treatment adherence in individuals with a first episode of psychosis and inpatients with psychosis.
International Journal of Law and Psychiatry..
Spidel A
Lecomte T
Leclerc C
. 2006.
Community implementation successes and challenges of a cognitive-behavior therapy group for individuals with a first episode of psychosis.
Journal of Contemporary Psychotherapy. 36:51-58.
Hebert M
Langevin R
Daigneault I
. 2016.
The association between peer victimization, PTSD, and dissociation in child victims of sexual abuse
Journal of Affective DisordersJournal of Affective Disorders. 193:227-232.
Dargan S.
Daigneault I
Ovetchkine P
Jud A
Frappier J-Y
. 0.
Association between child sexual abuse and infectious disease diagnoses
Child Abuse & NeglectChild Abuse & Neglect.
Monette M-C
Tourigny M
Daigneault I
. 2008.
The associated factors of internalising and externalising behaviour problems among sexually abused adolescents
Canadian Journal of Behavioural Science/Revue canadienne des sciences du comportement. 40:31-41.
Santerre-Baillargeon M
Vézina-Gagnon P
Daigneault I
Landry T
Bergeron S
. 2016.
Anxiety mediates the relation between childhood sexual abuse and genito-pelvic pain in adolescent girls
Journal of Sex & Marital TherapyJournal of Sex & Marital Therapy. :1-12.
Spidel A
Daigneault I
Kealy D
Lecomte T
. 2019.
Acceptance and Commitment Therapy for Psychosis and Trauma: Investigating Links between Trauma Severity, Attachment and Outcome
Behavioural and Cognitive PsychotherapyBehavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy. 47:230-243.
Spidel A
Lecomte T
Kealy D
Daigneault I
. 2017.
Acceptance and commitment therapy for psychosis and trauma: Improvement in psychiatric symptoms, emotion regulation, and treatment compliance following a brief group intervention
Psychology and Psychotherapy: Theory, Research and PracticePsychology and Psychotherapy: Theory, Research and Practice. :1-14.
Articles de conférence
Spidel A
Greaves C
Yuille JC
Lecomte T
. 2011.
What is the role of childhood abuse on aggression in those with a first episode of psychosis?
North American Correctional and Criminal Justice Psychology Conference. .
Spidel A
Lichlyter B
Lecomte T
. 2004.
Violence, substance abuse, and mental illness: Investigating links
54th Annual Meeting of the Canadian Psychiatric Association.
Spidel A
Lichlyter B
Lecomte T
. 2004.
Violence, substance abuse, and mental illness: A community perspective.
Department of Psychiatry 19th Annual Research Day.
Spidel A
Lecomte T
Lichlyter B
Yuille JC
. 2004.
Violence, psychosis and substance abuse: Investigating Links.
19th Annual Meeting for the Society for Research in Psychopathology.
Spidel A
Hervé H
Cooper BS
Mitchell D
Hare RD
. 2002.
Unlawful Confinement & Psychopathy: An Exploratory Study of Offence and Offender Characteristics.
American Psychology-Law Society, Division 41 of APA.
Spidel A
Kendrick K
Nicholls TL
Greaves C
Dutton DG
. 2007.
Understanding Domestic violence perpetrated by females: The role of Attachment
American Psychology Association.
Spidel A
Lecomte T
Yuille JC
. 2015.
Trauma and Psychosis: investigating the influence on violence and treatment compliance
American Psychology and Law Society..
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