
207 resultats trouvés
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[1569] Daigneault I, Dion J, al. et.  2008.  L'article 21 du Code civil et la recherche auprès des adolescents au Québec .
[1579] Porter-Vignola É.  2007.  Le bouleversement : l’homo bouleversatum. 7ème Congrès international de l’International Society of Adolescent Psychiatry and Psychology (ISAPP).
[1491] Bourgeois C, Fortin C, Marchand A, Boyer R, Guay S.  2015.  Le soutien social en phase aiguë chez les victimes d’actes criminels violents : prévalence et satisfaction selon le sexe et le diagnostic d’état de stress aigu.. 37e congrès de la Société Québecoise de Recherche en Psychologie (SQRP).
[1490] Bourgeois C, Fortin C, Marchand A, Boyer R, Guay S.  2015.  Le soutien social en phase aiguë chez les victimes d’actes criminels violents : type de soutien reçu en fonction du sexe et du diagnostic d’état de stress aigu. . 37e congrès de la Société Québecoise de Recherche en Psychologie (SQRP).
[1860] Hébert M, Julien M, Bergeron M, Daigneault I.  2018.  Les activités préventives en matière de violences sexuelles dans les milieux d’enseignement collégiaux et universitaires : Portrait des interventions actuelles au Québec.
[1806] Fortin-Langelier E, Vézina-Gagnon P, Achim J, Daigneault I.  2017.  Les adolescentes victimes d’abus sexuel à l’enfance; ont-elles davantage de grossesses à l’adolescence que celles de la population générale? Congrès international francophone sur l'agression sexuelle (CIFAS).
[1519] Collin-Vézina D, Daigneault I, Hebert M.  2013.  Lessons learned from child sexual abuse research: prevalence, outcomes, and preventive strategies. Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Mental Health. 7:1-9.
[1561] Goyette M, Daigneault I, Vandette M.  2009.  L'éthique de la recherche auprès des adolescents et l'exigence du consentement parental. La recherche clinique avec les enfants: à la croisée de l'éthique et du droit. :455-475.
[1602] Spidel A, Lecomte T, Yuille JC.  2005.  Links between violence, addiction, and personality traits: findings from a first episode community sample.. International Association of Forensic Mental Health Services conference.
[1620] Spidel A, Lecomte T, Yuille JC.  2004.  Links between violence, addiction, and personality traits in first episodes.. American Psychology-Law Society, Division 41 of the American Psychological Association.
[1603] Spidel A, Lecomte T, Yuille JC.  2005.  Links between violence, addiction, and personality traits in first episodes: myth or reality? ICOSR conference.
[1604] Spidel A, Klaver J, Lee Z, Yuille JC, Hart SD.  2005.  Machiavellianism, the Big Five and Deception: Predicting Detection Accuracy. 65th Annual Convention of the Canadian Psychology Association..
[1633] Spidel A.  2003.  Male and Female Offenders: Attachment to Healing. 83rd Annual Western Psychological Association.
[1851] Fortin-Langelier E, Daigneault I, Vézina-Gagnon P, Achim J, Guérin V, Frappier J-Y.  0.  A matched-cohort study of the association between childhood sexual abuse and teenage pregnancy. Journal of Adolescent HealthJournal of Adolescent Health.
[1564] Daigneault I, Hebert M, McDuff P.  2009.  Men's and women's childhood sexual abuse and victimization in adult partner relationships: A study of risk factors. Child Abuse & Neglect. 33:638-647.
[1601] Spidel A, Roesch R, Zapf P, Kendrick K.  2005.  Mental Disorder & Criminality: Profiles of Individuals based on Symptom Clusters on the Brief Psychiatric Ratings Scale. International Association of Forensic Mental Health Services conference.
[1615] Spidel A, Roesch R, Zapf P, Kendrick K.  2004.  Mental Disorder & Criminality: Symptoms and Offence Type. IAFMHS conference.
[1858] Daigneault I, Alie-Poirier A, Hébert M.  2019.  Mental Health Profiles of Sexually Abused Youth: Comorbidity and Complex Post-traumatic Stress Disorder. The World Conference on Complex Trauma : Research, Intervention, Innovation.
[1728] Daigneault I, Dion J, Hebert M, Bourgeois C.  2016.  Mindfulness as Mediator and Moderator of Post-traumatic Symptomatology in Adolescence Following Childhood Sexual Abuse or Assault. MindfulnessMindfulness. :1-10.
[1529] Spidel A, Lecomte T, Greaves C, Yuille JC.  2011.  Patterns of Deceptive Motivations across Personality Disordered Young Offenders..
[1521] Regnault O, Daigneault I, Boileau J.  2012.  Perception du soutien social chez les adolescentes victimes d'agression sexuelle. 80e Congrès de l’Association Francophone pour le Savoir (ACFAS).
[1534] Regnault O, Daigneault I, Boileau J.  2011.  Perception of social support among sexually abused adolescents.. 27e rencontre annuelle du « International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies »..
[1535] Regnault O, Daigneault I, Boileau J.  2011.  Perceptions du soutien social chez les adolescentes victimes d’agression sexuelle. 6e Congrès international francophone sur l'agression sexuelle.
[1606] Daigneault I, Tourigny M, Hebert M.  2005.  Personal and family characteristics related to resilient and non-resilient pathways of sexually abused adolescents following treatment. Pathways to resilience: An international conference.
[1583] Daigneault I, Hebert M, Tourigny M.  2007.  Personal and Interpersonal Characteristics Related to Resilient Developmental Pathways of Sexually Abused Adolescents. Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Clinics of North America. 16:415-434.


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