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Agression sexuelle et santé des jeunes
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Laboratoire de recherche sur les trajectoires de santé et de résilience de jeunes agressés sexuellement
dirigé par Isabelle Daigneault
À propos
207 resultats trouvés
Daigneault I
Dion J
al. et
. 2008.
L'article 21 du Code civil et la recherche auprès des adolescents au Québec
Spidel A
Gretton H
Hervé H
. 2008.
A Study of Subtypes of Psychopathy in Adolescent Offenders. Affiche présentée à l’American Psychology-Law Society
American Psychology-Law Society, Division 41 of the American Psychological Association.
Daigneault I
. 2008.
Traduction française du Child and Youth Resilience Measure (CYRM)
Spidel A
Lecomte T
. 2007.
Does symptom severity and personality influence medication compliance in a first episode sample?
Western Psychological Association conference..
Daigneault I
Cyr M
Tourigny M
. 2007.
Exploration of recovery trajectories in sexually abused adolescents
Sources and Expressions of Resiliency in Trauma Survivors: Ecological Theory, Multicultural Practice. 14:165-184.
Hebert M
Daigneault I
Collin-Vézina D
Cyr M
. 2007.
Factors linked to distress in mothers of children disclosing sexual abuse
Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease. 195:805-811.
Spidel A
Nicholls TL
Sahlstrom K
Brink J
. 2007.
The influence of adolescent criminal history on future risk in a Not Criminally Responsible on account of Mental Disorder (NCRMD) population
3rd Annual Mental Health Research Showcase.
Spidel A
Lecomte T
Yuille JC
. 2007.
Investigating links between violence, addiction, and psychopathy traits in a first episode community sample.
International Association of Psychiatry and Law.
Porter-Vignola É
. 2007.
Le bouleversement : l’homo bouleversatum
7ème Congrès international de l’International Society of Adolescent Psychiatry and Psychology (ISAPP).
Daigneault I
Hebert M
Tourigny M
. 2007.
Personal and Interpersonal Characteristics Related to Resilient Developmental Pathways of Sexually Abused Adolescents
Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Clinics of North America. 16:415-434.
Spidel A
Greaves C
Hervé H
Cooper BS
Hare RD
Yuille JC
. 2007.
The Psychopath as Pimp.
Canadian Journal of Police & Security Services. 4:205-211.
Dargan S
Zvonar RK
Saginur R
. 2007.
A review of outpatient parenteral antimicrobial therapy practices and experience at The Ottawa Hospital.
Canadian Journal of Hospital Pharmacy. 60:177-183..
Spidel A
Gretton H
. 2007.
Subtypes of Psychopathy in Adolescent Offenders: Investigating differences.
Society for the Scientific Study of Psychopathy.
Daigneault I
Tourigny M
Hébert M
. 2007.
Un modèle médiateur d’attributions de blâme chez des adolescentes agressées sexuellement
L'agression sexuelle, coopérer au-delà des frontières.
Spidel A
Kendrick K
Nicholls TL
Greaves C
Dutton DG
. 2007.
Understanding Domestic violence perpetrated by females: The role of Attachment
American Psychology Association.
Tourigny M
Daigneault I
Hebert M
. 2006.
Attributions and coping in sexually abused adolescents referred for group treatment
36th Annual Congress of the European Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies: Patient and Therapist Creativity in Psychotherapy. 15:35-59.
Spidel A
Lecomte T
Leclerc C
. 2006.
Community implementation successes and challenges of a cognitive-behavior therapy group for individuals with a first episode of psychosis.
Journal of Contemporary Psychotherapy. 36:51-58.
Hebert M
Collin-Vézina D
Daigneault I
Parent N
Tremblay C
. 2006.
Factors linked to outcomes in sexually abused girls: A regression tree analysis
Comprehensive Psychiatry. 47:443-455.
Spidel A
Kendrick K
Nicholls TL
Greaves C
Dutton DG
. 2006.
The influence of attachment on the nature of domestic violence perpetrated by females
6th annual meeting of the International Association of Forensic Mental Health Services.
Tourigny M
Hebert M
Daigneault I
. 2006.
Intervention auprès d’adolescentes agressées sexuellement présentant des troubles de comportements
Les conduites antisociales des filles: comprendre pour mieux agir. :385-413.
Spidel A
Brink J
Klein C
Hart SD
Ross J.
Viojen A.
. 2006.
Investigating characteristics of those found Not Criminally Responsible on account of Mental Disorder (NCRMD) in a Canadian forensic psychiatric population.
International Association of Forensic Mental Health Services conference.
Spidel A
Lecomte T
Yuille JC
. 2006.
Investigating links between violence and mental illness: findings from a first episode community sample.
International Academy of Law and Mental Health.
Spidel A
Nicholls TL
Greaves C
Dutton DG
. 2006.
Personality Disorder Profiles of Female Intimate Partner Assaulter
American Psychology-Law Society, Division 41 of the American Psychological Association.
Spidel A
Lecomte T
Greaves C
Yuille JC
. 2006.
Predictors of medication adherence in a first episode sample.
International Early Psychosis Association Conference.
Spidel A
Brink J
Klein C
Hart SD
. 2006.
Profiles of Those Found Not Criminally Responsible on Account of Mental Disorder (NCRMD).
Psychiatry Research Day.
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