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Agression sexuelle et santé des jeunes
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Laboratoire de recherche sur les trajectoires de santé et de résilience de jeunes agressés sexuellement
dirigé par Isabelle Daigneault
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207 resultats trouvés
Articles de conférence
Santerre-Baillargeon M
Vézina-Gagnon P
Bergeron S
Daigneault I
Landry T
. 2015.
Prevalence of Sexual Abuse and its Associations with Biopsychosocial Factors in a Community Sample of Adolescent Girls
Annual meeting of the International Academy of Sex Research (IASR).
Spidel A
Greaves C
Yuille JC
Lecomte T
. 2011.
Predictors of violence according to gender in a community sample of individuals with early psychosis.
International Association of Forensic Mental Health Services.
Spidel A
Lecomte T
Greaves C
Yuille JC
. 2006.
Predictors of medication adherence in a first episode sample.
International Early Psychosis Association Conference.
Lecours S
Joussemet M
Laurin JC
Béliveau M-J
Daigneault I
Meilleur D
Boudrias J-S
. 2019.
Predicting psychotherapy trainees’ first mid-year practicum performance based on self-reported and interview-based non-academic assessments prior to admission
Society for the Exploration of Psychotherapy Integration (SEPI).
Daigneault I
Bourgeois C
Vézina-Gagnon P
Alie-Poirier A
Dargan S
Hébert M
Frappier J-Y
. 2016.
Physical and mental health of sexually abused boys: A five year matched-control and cohort study
International Family Violence and Child Victimization Research Conference.
Spidel A
Greaves C
Sahlstrom K
Yuille JC
. 2003.
Personality Disorder-Mediated Deception in Adult Offenders
63rd Annual Convention of the Canadian Psychology Association.
Spidel A
Nicholls TL
Greaves C
Dutton DG
. 2006.
Personality Disorder Profiles of Female Intimate Partner Assaulter
American Psychology-Law Society, Division 41 of the American Psychological Association.
Spidel A
Sahlstrom K
Nicholls TL
Kropp R.P
. 2003.
Personality Characteristics of Women who abuse their male partners.
Psychology & Law International, Interdisciplinary Conference .
Spidel A
Nicholls TL
Kropp R.P
. 2003.
Personality and demographic characteristics of female who abuse their male partners
IAFMHS conference.
Daigneault I
Tourigny M
Hebert M
. 2004.
Personal, familial and abuse related predictors of sexual abuse trauma
20th Annual Meeting of the International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies.
Daigneault I
Tourigny M
Hebert M
. 2005.
Personal and family characteristics related to resilient and non-resilient pathways of sexually abused adolescents following treatment
Pathways to resilience: An international conference.
Regnault O
Daigneault I
Boileau J
. 2011.
Perceptions du soutien social chez les adolescentes victimes d’agression sexuelle
6e Congrès international francophone sur l'agression sexuelle.
Regnault O
Daigneault I
Boileau J
. 2011.
Perception of social support among sexually abused adolescents.
27e rencontre annuelle du « International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies »..
Regnault O
Daigneault I
Boileau J
. 2012.
Perception du soutien social chez les adolescentes victimes d'agression sexuelle
80e Congrès de l’Association Francophone pour le Savoir (ACFAS).
Daigneault I
Alie-Poirier A
Hébert M
. 2019.
Mental Health Profiles of Sexually Abused Youth: Comorbidity and Complex Post-traumatic Stress Disorder
The World Conference on Complex Trauma : Research, Intervention, Innovation.
Spidel A
Roesch R
Zapf P
Kendrick K
. 2004.
Mental Disorder & Criminality: Symptoms and Offence Type
IAFMHS conference.
Spidel A
Roesch R
Zapf P
Kendrick K
. 2005.
Mental Disorder & Criminality: Profiles of Individuals based on Symptom Clusters on the Brief Psychiatric Ratings Scale
International Association of Forensic Mental Health Services conference.
Spidel A
. 2003.
Male and Female Offenders: Attachment to Healing
83rd Annual Western Psychological Association.
Spidel A
Klaver J
Lee Z
Yuille JC
Hart SD
. 2005.
Machiavellianism, the Big Five and Deception: Predicting Detection Accuracy
65th Annual Convention of the Canadian Psychology Association..
Spidel A
Lecomte T
Yuille JC
. 2005.
Links between violence, addiction, and personality traits in first episodes: myth or reality?
ICOSR conference.
Spidel A
Lecomte T
Yuille JC
. 2004.
Links between violence, addiction, and personality traits in first episodes.
American Psychology-Law Society, Division 41 of the American Psychological Association.
Spidel A
Lecomte T
Yuille JC
. 2005.
Links between violence, addiction, and personality traits: findings from a first episode community sample.
International Association of Forensic Mental Health Services conference.
Fortin-Langelier E
Vézina-Gagnon P
Achim J
Daigneault I
. 2017.
Les adolescentes victimes d’abus sexuel à l’enfance; ont-elles davantage de grossesses à l’adolescence que celles de la population générale?
Congrès international francophone sur l'agression sexuelle (CIFAS).
Bourgeois C
Fortin C
Marchand A
Boyer R
Guay S
. 2015.
Le soutien social en phase aiguë chez les victimes d’actes criminels violents : prévalence et satisfaction selon le sexe et le diagnostic d’état de stress aigu.
37e congrès de la Société Québecoise de Recherche en Psychologie (SQRP).
Bourgeois C
Fortin C
Marchand A
Boyer R
Guay S
. 2015.
Le soutien social en phase aiguë chez les victimes d’actes criminels violents : type de soutien reçu en fonction du sexe et du diagnostic d’état de stress aigu.
37e congrès de la Société Québecoise de Recherche en Psychologie (SQRP).
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