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Agression sexuelle et santé des jeunes
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Laboratoire de recherche sur les trajectoires de santé et de résilience de jeunes agressés sexuellement
dirigé par Isabelle Daigneault
À propos
207 resultats trouvés
Spidel A
Vincent G
Winters J
Thomas L
Dutton DG
. 2006.
Psychopathy: Subtyping Perpetrators of Domestic Violence.
Psychopathy: Theory, Research, and Implications for Society. :327-340.
Daigneault I
Hebert M
McDuff P
. 2006.
Risque de revictimisation sexuelle selon les contextes de vie de femmes canadiennes
Résovi, Colloque International "Violences faites aux femmes : Réponses sociales plurielles".
Daigneault I
Tourigny M
Hebert M
. 2006.
Self-attributions of blame in sexually abused adolescents: A mediational model
Journal of Traumatic Stress. 19:153-157.
Daigneault I
Hebert M
Tourigny M
. 2005.
Approche et évitement : stratégies d'adaptation d'adolescentes agressées sexuellement
66ième conférence annuelle de la Société Canadienne de Psychologie.
Daigneault I
Hebert M
Tourigny M
. 2005.
Attributions de blâme spécifiques et générales chez les adolescentes agressées sexuellement : médiation associée aux symptômes post-traumatiques
3ième Congrès international francophone sur l'agression sexuelle.
Daigneault I
Hebert M
Tourigny M
. 2005.
Characteristics of sexually abused adolescents predict differential traumatic outcomes
International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies - 21st Annual Meeting.
Daigneault I
. 2005.
Characteristics related to resilient and non resilient pathways of sexually abused adolescents following treatment
Xth ISPCAN European Regional Conference on Child Abuse and Neglect.
Tourigny M
Hebert M
Daigneault I
Simoneau AClaude
. 2005.
Efficacy of a Group Therapy for Sexually Abused Adolescent Girls
Journal of Child Sexual Abuse: Research, Treatment, & Program Innovations for Victims, Survivors, & Offenders. 14:71-93.
Spidel A
Hervé H
Hemphill J
Bartel P.
. 2005.
An Exploratory Study of Subtypes of Psychopathy in Adolescent Offenders
1st conference for the Society for the Scientific Study of Psychopathy.
Spidel A
Lecomte T
Yuille JC
. 2005.
Links between violence, addiction, and personality traits: findings from a first episode community sample.
International Association of Forensic Mental Health Services conference.
Spidel A
Lecomte T
Yuille JC
. 2005.
Links between violence, addiction, and personality traits in first episodes: myth or reality?
ICOSR conference.
Spidel A
Klaver J
Lee Z
Yuille JC
Hart SD
. 2005.
Machiavellianism, the Big Five and Deception: Predicting Detection Accuracy
65th Annual Convention of the Canadian Psychology Association..
Spidel A
Roesch R
Zapf P
Kendrick K
. 2005.
Mental Disorder & Criminality: Profiles of Individuals based on Symptom Clusters on the Brief Psychiatric Ratings Scale
International Association of Forensic Mental Health Services conference.
Daigneault I
Tourigny M
Hebert M
. 2005.
Personal and family characteristics related to resilient and non-resilient pathways of sexually abused adolescents following treatment
Pathways to resilience: An international conference.
Daigneault I
Tourigny M
Cyr M.
. 2005.
Recovery trajectories of sexually abused adolescents
International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies - 21st Annual Meeting.
Collin-Vézina D
Hebert M
Daigneault I
. 2005.
Résilience et guérison: Trajectoires d'enfants agressés sexuellement
Psychologie Québec. 22:33-35.
Spidel A
Nicholls TL
Kendrick K
Klein C
Kropp R.P
. 2004.
Characteristics of Female Intimate Partner Assaulters
American Psychology-Law Society, Division 41 of APA.
Daigneault I
Tourigny M
Cyr M
. 2004.
Description of trauma and resilience in sexually abused adolescents: An integrated assessment
Journal of Trauma Practice. 3:23-47.
Tourigny M
Hébert M.
Sénéchal P
Daigneault I
Simoneau A-C
. 2004.
Efficacité d'une intervention de groupe auprès d'adolescentes ayant vécu une agression sexuelle
Spidel A
Lecomte T
. 2004.
Group CBT for first episodes in the community: successes and challenges
2003 Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association.
Spidel A
Lecomte T
Yuille JC
. 2004.
Links between violence, addiction, and personality traits in first episodes.
American Psychology-Law Society, Division 41 of the American Psychological Association.
Spidel A
Roesch R
Zapf P
Kendrick K
. 2004.
Mental Disorder & Criminality: Symptoms and Offence Type
IAFMHS conference.
Daigneault I
Tourigny M
Hebert M
. 2004.
Personal, familial and abuse related predictors of sexual abuse trauma
20th Annual Meeting of the International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies.
Tourigny M
Daigneault I
Hébert M.
Wright J.
. 2004.
Portrait québécois des signalements pour abus sexuels faits aux Directrices et Directeurs de la protection de la jeunesse du Québec
Spidel A
Hervé H
Lichlyter B
Hare RD
. 2004.
Psychopathy and Unlawful Confinement: An Examination of Perpetrator Characteristics
American Psychology-Law Society, Division 41 of APA.
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