
207 resultats trouvés
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[1848] Wekerle C, Hébert M, Daigneault I, Fortin-Langelier E, Smith S.  Soumis.  Adverse childhood experiences, sexual violence, and sexual health. Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs): Using Evidence to Advance Research, Practice, Policy and Prevention.
[1505] Vézina-Gagnon P.  2013.  Efficacité d’une restructuration cognitive sur les pensées catastrophiques. 7ème Journée Scientifique du Département de Psychologie de l’Université de Montréal.
[1741] Vézina-Gagnon P, Daigneault I, Daignault IV, Dupré M-P.  2016.  The relationship between maternal rejection and academic success: A mediational study. Canadian Journal of Behavioral ScienceCanadian Journal of Behavioral Science. 48:132-141.
[1495] Vézina-Gagnon P, Daigneault I, Dupré M-P, Daignault IV.  2014.  La maltraitance parentale et son impact sur le succès scolaire des enfants.. 8ème Journée Scientifique du Département de Psychologie de l’Université de Montréal.
[1793] Vézina-Gagnon P., Bergeron S., Frappier J-Y., Daigneault I..  2018.  Genitourinary Health of Sexually Abused Girls and Boys: a Matched-Cohort Study. The Journal of PediatricsThe Journal of Pediatrics. 194:171-176.
[1740] Vézina-Gagnon P, Daigneault I, Daignault IV, Dupré M-P.  2015.  La relation entre le rejet maternel et le succès scolaire : une étude de médiation. Revue canadienne des sciences du comportementRevue Canadienne des Sciences du Comportement. advance online publication:132-141.
[1797] Vézina-Gagnon P, Fortin-Langelier E, Bergeron S, Daigneault I.  2017.  La santé génito-urinaire des jeunes victimes d’agression sexuelle; ont-ils davantage de problèmes que les jeunes de la population générale? Congrès international francophone sur l'agression sexuelle (CIFAS).
[1496] Vézina-Gagnon P.  2014.  L’impact du rejet parental sur le succès scolaire : une étude de médiation. Psychologie.
[1589] Spidel A, Lecomte T, Yuille JC.  2006.  Investigating links between violence and mental illness: findings from a first episode community sample.. International Academy of Law and Mental Health.
[1623] Spidel A, Hervé H, Lichlyter B, Hare RD.  2004.  Psychopathy and Unlawful Confinement: An Examination of Perpetrator Characteristics. American Psychology-Law Society, Division 41 of APA.
[1632] Spidel A, Greaves C, Hervé H, Hare RD.  2003.  Deception and Personality in Canadian Offenders.. Psychology & Law International, Interdisciplinary Conference.
[1643] Spidel A, Hervé H, Mitchell D, Cooper BS, Hare RD.  2001.  Psychopathy and criminal acts of unlawful confinement. 62nd Annual Convention of the Canadian Psychology association.
[1574] Spidel A, Lecomte T.  2007.  Does symptom severity and personality influence medication compliance in a first episode sample? Western Psychological Association conference..
[1798] Spidel A, Lecomte T, Kealy D, Daigneault I.  2017.  Acceptance and commitment therapy for psychosis and trauma: Improvement in psychiatric symptoms, emotion regulation, and treatment compliance following a brief group intervention. Psychology and Psychotherapy: Theory, Research and PracticePsychology and Psychotherapy: Theory, Research and Practice. :1-14.
[1618] Spidel A, Lichlyter B, Lecomte T.  2004.  Violence, substance abuse, and mental illness: A community perspective.. Department of Psychiatry 19th Annual Research Day.
[1594] Spidel A, Brink J, Klein C, Hart SD, Ross J., Viojen A..  2006.  Investigating characteristics of those found Not Criminally Responsible on account of Mental Disorder (NCRMD) in a Canadian forensic psychiatric population.. International Association of Forensic Mental Health Services conference.
[1627] Spidel A, Nicholls TL, Kropp R.P.  2003.  Personality and demographic characteristics of female who abuse their male partners. IAFMHS conference.
[1559] Spidel A, Goldensen J, Greaves C, Nicholls TL, Dutton DG.  2009.  Attachment and Demographic Profiles in Females who abuse their male partners: A comparison of offenders and undergraduates. 6th annual meeting of the International Association of Forensic Mental Health Services.
[1478] Spidel A, Greaves C, Yuille JC, Lecomte T.  Sous presse.   A comparison of treatment adherence in individuals with a first episode of psychosis and inpatients with psychosis.. International Journal of Law and Psychiatry..


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