
10 nov

Trauma and trauma-related disorders are significant public health issues that require interdisciplinary approaches including epidemiology, biostatistics and health services research. Advances in assessment, treatment and prevention efforts and knowledge translation are of critical importance if we are to increase public awareness and de-stigmatize trauma-related disorders. The use of innovative technology is now closely tied to public health strategies.

13 sep

Shaping the future: connecting knowledge and evidence in child welfare practice is the title of the EUSARF Conference 2016 in Oviedo. Our main aim is to stimulate debates and discussions that could transfer sound research findings to practices in child welfare and improve the interventions in the future. Therefore, the design of the conference will try to facilitate participation and open debates, not just by speakers but also by all delegates. 

10 juil
Our research-focused conferences offer a unique opportunity for researchers and scientist/practitioners from a broad array of disciplines to come together for the purpose of sharing, integrating and critiquing accumulated science on violence. Our conference is also known for offering many opportunities to interact formally and informally with colleagues.  We believe strongly that it matters not only what information is presented but also how it is presented.  Our conference is a unique gathering of scholars and professionals who all have a shared passion for better understanding and ameli
18 mai
L’application du modèle de psychothérapie de couple d’orientation cognitive-comportementale (PCCC) lors de la phase d’évaluation et d’intervention auprès des couples en détresse. Basé d’une part sur l’entraînement aux habiletés de communication et de résolution de problèmes et d’autre part sur l’identification et la modification des attitudes et comportements dysfonctionnels que présentent les couples en détresse.
2 mai

Les enfants et les adolescents qui cumulent des expériences de vie adverses sont exposés à un stress chronique dont les effets sont fort toxiques pour leur développement.

29 avr

Les traumatismes subis durant l'enfance se produisent souvent dans le cadre de relation d'attachement et peuvent conduire à de graves difficultés dans le fonctionnement interpersonnel.


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