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[1520] Spidel A, Cooper BS, Greaves C, Hervé H, Yuille JC, Hare RD.  2012.  An Investigation of Psychopathy and Pimps: Towards a better understanding. HEAT Conference. .
[1618] Spidel A, Lichlyter B, Lecomte T.  2004.  Violence, substance abuse, and mental illness: A community perspective.. Department of Psychiatry 19th Annual Research Day.
[1565] Spidel A, Gretton H, Hervé H.  2008.  A Study of Subtypes of Psychopathy in Adolescent Offenders. Affiche présentée à l’American Psychology-Law Society. American Psychology-Law Society, Division 41 of the American Psychological Association.
[1629] Spidel A, Hervé H, Greaves C, Hare RD.  2003.  Psychopathy and Deceptive Motivations in Young Offenders. Much Ado About Crime.. :265-276.
[1589] Spidel A, Lecomte T, Yuille JC.  2006.  Investigating links between violence and mental illness: findings from a first episode community sample.. International Academy of Law and Mental Health.
[1641] Spidel A, Cooper BS.  2002.  Assessment and Treatment of Fetal Alcohol Syndrome in Adolescents and Adults: An Overview.
[1604] Spidel A, Klaver J, Lee Z, Yuille JC, Hart SD.  2005.  Machiavellianism, the Big Five and Deception: Predicting Detection Accuracy. 65th Annual Convention of the Canadian Psychology Association..
[1485] Spidel A, Lecomte T, Yuille JC.  2015.  Trauma and Psychosis: investigating the influence on violence and treatment compliance. American Psychology and Law Society..
[1550] Spidel A, Hervé H, Greaves C, Yuille JC.  2010.   “Wasn’t me!” A Field Study of the Relationship between Deceptive Motivations and Psychopathic Traits in Young Offenders.. Legal and Criminological Psychology.. :1-15.
[1622] Spidel A, Lecomte T.  2004.  Group CBT for first episodes in the community: successes and challenges. 2003 Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association.


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