
207 resultats trouvés
Auteur Titre [ Type(Desc)] Année
Articles de revue
[1733] Dion J., Matte-Gagne C., Daigneault I, Blackburn M.E, Hebert M, McDuff P, Auclair J., Veillette S., Perron M..  2015.  A prospective study of the impact of child maltreatment and friend support on psychological distress trajectory: From adolescence to emerging adulthood. Journal of Affective DisordersJournal of Affective Disorders. 189:336-343.
[1516] Daigneault I, Dion J., Hébert M., McDuff P., Collin-Vézina D..  2013.  Psychometric properties of the Child and Youth Resilience Measure (CYRM-28) among samples of French Canadian youth. Child Abuse and Neglect. 37:160-171.
[1578] Spidel A, Greaves C, Hervé H, Cooper BS, Hare RD, Yuille JC.  2007.  The Psychopath as Pimp.. Canadian Journal of Police & Security Services. 4:205-211.
[1796] Bourgeois C., Lecomte T., Daigneault I..  2018.  Psychotic disorders in sexually abused youth: A prospective matched-cohort study. Schizophrenia ResearchSchizophrenia Research.
[1741] Vézina-Gagnon P, Daigneault I, Daignault IV, Dupré M-P.  2016.  The relationship between maternal rejection and academic success: A mediational study. Canadian Journal of Behavioral ScienceCanadian Journal of Behavioral Science. 48:132-141.
[1500] Hains J., Dion J, Daigneault I, McDuff P.  2014.  Relationships between stressful life events, psychological distress and resilience among Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal adolescents. International Journal of Child and Adolescent Resilience. 2:4-15.
[1612] Collin-Vézina D, Hebert M, Daigneault I.  2005.  Résilience et guérison: Trajectoires d'enfants agressés sexuellement. Psychologie Québec. 22:33-35.
[1581] Dargan S, Zvonar RK, Saginur R.  2007.  A review of outpatient parenteral antimicrobial therapy practices and experience at The Ottawa Hospital.. Canadian Journal of Hospital Pharmacy. 60:177-183..
[1811] Daigneault I, Hebert M, Bourgeois C, Dargan S, Frappier J-Y.  2017.  Santé mentale et physique des filles et garçons agressés sexuellement : une étude de cas contrôle apparié avec un suivi de cohorte sur 10 ans. CriminologieCriminologie. 50
[1598] Daigneault I, Tourigny M, Hebert M.  2006.  Self-attributions of blame in sexually abused adolescents: A mediational model. Journal of Traumatic Stress. 19:153-157.
[1791] Martin-Storey A, Paquette G, Bergeron M, Dion J, Daigneault I, Hébert M, Ricci S.  0.  Sexual violence in a university context: Differences across gender and sexual identity. Journal of Adolescent HealthJournal of Adolescent Health.
[1859] Martin-Storey A, Paquette G, Bergeron M, Dion J, Daigneault I, Hebert M, Ricci S.  2018.  Sexual Violence on Campus: Differences Across Gender and Sexual Minority Status. Journal of Adolescent HealthJournal of Adolescent Health. 62:701-707.
[1856] Francoeur A, Lecomte T, Daigneault I, Brassard A, Lecours V, Hache-Labelle C.  2019.  Social Cognition as Mediator of Romantic Breakup Adjustment in Young Adults Who Experienced Childhood Maltreatment. Journal of Aggression, Maltreatment & TraumaJournal of Aggression, Maltreatment & Trauma. :1-18.
[1549] Collin-Vézina D, Coleman K, Milne L, Sell J, Daigneault I.  2011.  Trauma Experiences, Maltreatment-Related Impairments, and Resilience Among Child Welfare Youth in Residential Care. International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction. 9:577-589.
[1488] Dupré M-P, Vézina-Gagnon P, Daigneault I.  2015.  Une étude de médiation de l’association entre le rejet maternel et les comportements prosociaux et antisociaux des enfants. Journal de Psychoeducation. 44:83-103.
[1807] Dion J, Paquette L, Daigneault I, Godbout N, Hébert M.  2017.  Validation of the French version of the Child and Adolescent Mindfulness Measure (CAMM) among samples of French and Indigenous youth. MindfulnessMindfulness. :1-9.
[1513] Hebert M, Brabant M-E, Daigneault I.  2013.  Violence dans les relations amoureuses et symptômes de stress post-traumatique chez les adolescentes ayant dévoilé une agression sexuelle. Journal International De Victimologie. 11:1-14.
[1846] Bergeron M, Hébert M, Ricci S, Goyer M-F, Duhamel N, Kurtzman L, Rousseau C, Auclair I, Sirois LClennett-, Daigneault I et al..  2018.  Violences sexuelles en milieu universitaire: synthèse des résultats de l'enquête ESSIMU au Québec. Les Cahiers de la femmeLes Cahiers de la femme.
[1550] Spidel A, Hervé H, Greaves C, Yuille JC.  2010.   “Wasn’t me!” A Field Study of the Relationship between Deceptive Motivations and Psychopathic Traits in Young Offenders.. Legal and Criminological Psychology.. :1-15.
Chapitres de livre
[1848] Wekerle C, Hébert M, Daigneault I, Fortin-Langelier E, Smith S.  Soumis.  Adverse childhood experiences, sexual violence, and sexual health. Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs): Using Evidence to Advance Research, Practice, Policy and Prevention.
[1525] Hebert M, Daigneault I, Van Camp T.  2012.  Agression sexuelle et violence dans les relations amoureuses chez les adolescents. L’agression sexuelle envers les enfants - Tome II. :171-223.
[1641] Spidel A, Cooper BS.  2002.  Assessment and Treatment of Fetal Alcohol Syndrome in Adolescents and Adults: An Overview.
[1634] Spidel A.  2003.  The current state of the literature on segregation of offenders: Strengths and Limitations..
[1628] Spidel A, Hervé H, Greaves C, Hare RD.  2003.  Development Of Criminal Careers In Psychopathic And Non-Psychopathic Young Offenders. Much Ado About Crime. :251-264.
[1554] Daigneault I, Hebert M, McDuff P, Michaud F, Magnan S.  2010.  Effets à court terme du programme de prévention Viol-secours : Données préliminaires. L'Agression Sexuelle : Transformations et paradoxes, Cifas 2009. Textes choisis. :4-55.


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